Parts of the Violin
prereading,  printables,  worksheet

Parts of the Violin

One of the activities I do at the very first lesson is teach the parts of the violin or viola. Both the student and I sit on the floor and we place their violin on the floor in between us. I will point to the violin and beginning on the same pitch as open A, I’ll sing, “Here is the violin.” The student then points and sings the same thing. Then moving up a step to B, I’ll sing, “Here is the scroll.” Going through all the parts of the violin. When the pitch gets up to the next A octave, I will then step the pitch back down until arriving back at open A. Here are some worksheets that kids can take home to work on.

Parts of the Violin Worksheet

Begin with the sheet above and have the student draw a line from the word to the correct part. This allows them to see and learn the terms. In following weeks, students can take the worksheet with blanks home. This allows them to work on knowing the terms without any prompts.

Here are answer sheets that will aid parents who are learning right along their child. The answer sheet below will also aid them as they sing the song together in practice sessions at home.

Practice Partner Answer Sheets

Parts of the Viola Worksheet

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