Draw the Clefs
I have created videos on how to draw the clefs, treble clef, alto clef, and bass clef. I made these videos to go along with The Magic of Music Theory series. Sequence of Learning to Draw the Clefs PreReading B In the early books students learn to recognize the 3 different clefs. Clefs are first introduced in PreReading B. The clefs are introduced through a story and each clef is related to an instrument. The treble clef related to the violin, alto clef to viola, and bass clef to cello. Then students color a full page coloring page of each clef. They also are introduced to tracing their clef and…
I Spy Rests Notes and Clefs
I Spy is a worksheet to help students identify rests, notes and clefs by their name. How many times have students heard you refer to it in lessons, but then when you ask them what it’s called you get a blank stare? In the lesson I’ve started asking them to repeat the word or read the definition out loud. I’ll often ask a question where they have to answer with the term. Students might understand the concept but not know what it’s called. I find this to be especially true of rests. They often call it a “rest.” I’ll ask what kind of rest…. that’s when the sheepish grin happens….…
Thanksgiving Violin Note Names
It’s November! Here is a thanksgiving note naming worksheet for violin. Do you have students traveling over the holidays and can’t take their instrument? Here’s a way to keep violin note reading up over the break. This worksheet can double as a coloring page as well as reviewing first position note names. The student should also write the finger number that plays that note on the line below the note name. Download Thanksgiving Note Name Worksheet
Primer Level
The Magic of Music Theory Primer level is now available at Amazon.com as well as ingramspark.com! This Primer level is perfect for the student who is age 6-10 who has started reading notes or is ready to begin reading. Incorporating the concepts taught in the pre-reading series. Students review pitch placement for the basic finger pattern for all 4 strings. New for this level is learning A and E string notes on the staff. Basic note values of quarter, half, dotted half and whole notes are reviewed. New for this level, 2 beamed eighth notes are introduced for students to recognize and draw. New in Primer level students will draw…
Great Composers Note Reading Worksheet – Florence Price
With February as Black history month, there are more and more resources that are being produced to help teachers and students explore this part of music history . Here is a Great Composers Note Reading Worksheet on the American female composer, Florence Price. While Florence Price’s music is too advanced for the beginner. Here is note reading worksheet to introduce her name and a little bit about her for the student working on identifying note names. The violin worksheet covers notes on the A and E strings. The viola and cello worksheets cover pitches on the D and A strings. For the teacher using this in an orchestra setting, the…
La Folia – Variation 7 Rhythm
I have a student working on La Folia. We got to variation 7. She worked through it and her counting the next week wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t exactly accurate. Rather than having her write the counting into her book and clutter up the page with information I wanted her to have in her head I created this worksheet. I took out the pitches and took out the bowing. This allowed her to focus on the counting alone. Working in 2 measure groups I had her write in the counting and then play it counting out loud on open D. The first run through of the 2 measure phrase we…
Tortilla Chip Time
Here is a worksheet similar to the Chips & Salsa Time Signature Game. The difference is this Tortilla Chip Time isn’t a game, it’s just a worksheet. I might have had some fun making these tortilla chips come to life. What would your expression be if you were about to be dunked in salsa and eaten? The note values used in this worksheet are: whole notes dotted half notes half notes quarter notes whole rests half rests quater rests Download Here All the time signatures in this worksheet use a “4” on the bottom of the time signature. This is another good time to remind students that a “4…
How To Draw an Alto Clef
Teachers of beginners know that clefs are hard to draw. The treble clefs aren’t that easy to draw, but I think that the alto clef is just as complicated to draw. Here is a a worksheet on how to draw an alto clef. Sometimes the alto clef is also called the C clef. Everyone who uses the alto clef needs to know how to draw one. And that means that young violist need to know how to draw the clef they use! Why do we even have an Alto Clef? Technically this clef is called the moveable C clef. The middle sideways v can be placed on any line on…
A Twinkle Etude – Twinklepated
I’m teaching the Boccherini Minuet from Suzuki Book 2 to several students. I give my students preview “spots” before we jump in to the whole piece. And one of the spots is the rhythm in measure 26 and measure 42. This syncopated rhythm is the first time this rhythm is found in the Suzuki literature. So for this reason I want to expose them to the rhythm before they get to it in the piece. Voila! A Twinkle Etude – Twinklepated was born. Twinklepated is a syncopated variation of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. What’s a Twinkle Etude? The concept of twinkle etudes is that students learn a new skill on an old song. In…
Treble Clef Flashcards for Violin
These treble clef flashcards for violin are the perfect tool to help your students who struggle with note reading. Just download and print. You will need to have printer that prints front and back. Or another option is to print out the odd numbered pages, then put the pages back in the printer and print the even numbered pages. If you are like me, it always takes me a few tries to get the paper direction and feed correct. So you may want to do a couple test pages. I also like to use card stock when printing flashcards for students. The thicker paper prevents them from seeing the answer…