Turkey Dance – Rhythm Worksheet
It’s a great time of year to do a Turkey Dance – Rhythm Worksheet. Here is a new seasonal rhythm worksheet to send home with your students to review. Many students travel during this time of year. So if your students are traveling over the holiday, here is a worksheet that they can take with them even if they can’t take their instrument.
It will be a simple and quick review away from the instrument. They will connect the dancing turkey to the turkey on the platter. Match the note with the note value. I haven’t specified what time signature. I am assuming we are in 4/4 time with the quarter note getting one beat.
Susan Paradis a piano teacher blogger has som fun games that would work for string students. This rhythm dominos game is sure to be a hit with your students. Also check out other blog posts for or more , note value and counting and rhythm worksheets.
Download Turkey Dance – Rhythm Worksheet here.
Get your turkey dance on and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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