great composers note reading worksheet paganini
note reading,  worksheet

Great Composers Note Reading Worksheet – Paganini

The Great Composers Note Reading Worksheet – 10 tells the story of Niccolo Paganini. This worksheet covers the E string notes – E5, F5, G5 and A5 for violin. For viola it covers the C string – C3, D3, E3, F3, and G3. There are variations as to the notes printed and the missing letters between the two sheets since they cover different strings. Because the Great Composer Note Reading Worksheet numbers 1-9 use the same pitches and are on the same strings, the violin and viola answers are identical. But on this worksheet they are different! 

Suzuki students are first introduced to Paganini’s compositions through the piece Witches’ Dance in Suzuki Book 2. Paganini’s 24 Caprices are considered by many to some of the most difficult pieces ever written for solo violin. Inspire your students by introducing them to these great works for violin. Paganini’s Quartet No. 15 features the viola as the main melody instrument. Viola students should also be introduced to Paganini’s work for viola and guitar.

There are no podcasts that I could find on Paganini. But there is one book that amazon has available. You will see the link on the right below. A web-based encyclopedia called, Kiddle, for kids has printed a biography on Niccolo Paganini. 

Paganini Recordings

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