Farmer McDonald Quarter note and half note barn
rhythm,  worksheet

Quarter Note and Half Note Worksheet

Here is a quarter note and half note worksheet. Students help Farmer McDonald get his pigs into the correct barns. They will need to be able to recognize what a quarter note looks like and that it receives one beat. They also need to know what a half note looks like and that it gets 2 beats.

It is a straightforward worksheet and it will probably be pretty quick for them to complete. So, why even take the time? First, it is an activity away from the instrument. Sometimes I like to do these quick worksheets in a lesson. I don’t want to use too much lesson time but I also like to be able to see how well they do at completing it. I need a fast activity that I can check if they are getting the concepts.

  1. Watching them do the worksheet helps me know if mom or dad is helping do it at home?
  2. Do they actually understand the concept? 
  3. Can they recognize the difference between what a quarter note and half note look like?
  4. With minimal explanation, do they know which how many beats each note receives?
  5. The quarter notes and half notes have stems going both directions. Do they recognize the note with either stem?
You could also use this worksheet as a take home assignment. Do they remember the concepts after the lesson? Did they understand? If a student is missing a week of lessons for vacation, a worksheet like this can also add in some variety if they get tired of practicing their assignments for 2 weeks. (Not that they should get tired of them… but well… you know students.)

So, enjoy helping Old Farmer McDonald round up his pigs with this quarter note and half note worksheet.

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