Pick A Daisy – G String Game
Here is fingerboard game called Pick A Daisy a G string game. Reinforce fingerboard letters with a fun game away from the violin. This game covers the pitches in first position on the G string for 1st finger – A, 2nd finger – B, 3rd finger – C and 4th finger – D. You can also use Pick A Daisy G string game with viola students. Since the pitches and finger numbers on both instruments, students can play together. And you can play Pick A Daisy while listening to your recording! A win, win!
Fingerboard ID on the G String
Since I use the Suzuki violin method the first piece to use the G string is Allegretto. It uses the first finger – A on the G string. I like to teach the G string notes using the G Major 1 octave scale beginning on open G. When teaching G string pitches, I tell the student, that all the letters we use on the G string only have 1 name. There are no sharps! We only have to say letters!
Violin Activities on the G String
At this point have your student transpose pieces they know into G major. Giant Twinkle beginning on the G string. Their fingers know the finger numbers, but their ear is learning to adjust to the different timbre of the G and D string. Their bow arm is also learning the different level that it needs to play on the G string cleanly and even move to the D string.
How to Play Pick A Daisy:
- Each player chooses the type of coin the want to use. (Pennies or dimes)
- Place your coins in a pile or a cup near the game board.
- Take turns rolling the dice. The number on the dice is a finger number on the left hand. Place a coin on the flower that matches the G string letter for the finger number rolled.
- The first player to place all the coins on the game board wins.
- If you roll and there is no letter that matches the finger number, the next players takes a turn.

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