Great Composers Note Reading Worksheet – Mozart
This worksheet introduces Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as the next great composer note reading worksheet for beginning violinists and violist. Students will review the notes on the A string and E, F and G on the E string for violin. And viola students will review D string notes, and A, B and C on the A string. Students identify the note name in order to fill in the missing letters to complete words. Then they can read the story about Mozart. It is yet another way to reinforce note names away from the instrument. And at the same time teach them about the lives of the composers. Mozart’s works for violin are a cornerstone of string repertoire both for violinists and violists.
Mozart’s Works
Some works to consider introducing to students are any of his violin concertos. But here’s a link to one included in the Suzuki Books. “Violin Concerto No. 5“ All students should know “Eine Kleine Nacht Musik.” Rob Kapilow’s Green Eggs and Hamadeus takes you inside the genius of this piece. Kapliow uses short examples highlighting some of the inner parts to help the listener understand how Mozart “built” this music. Also check out “Symphony No. 40.” Introduce students to a minor piece, that isn’t slow! Also consider having students listen to the Theme and Variations on Ah vous diral-je Maman (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star). Dr. Suzuki wasn’t the first person to compose variations on Twinkle.
Be sure and check out these recordings which you can purchase from Amazon or download and subscribe the podcasts which are free!
Great Composer Books – Mozart
Interested in other resources about the great composers? Here are some children’s books for those interested in learning more about Mozart. Look for them at your local library or order them from Amazon.
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