New Arrangement for Easter
A new arrangement for Easter is available for violin duet or violin solo. The gospel song Christ Arose (Lo in the Grave He Lay) has been a long time favorite for over a century. Robert Lowry of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania wrote both the tune and text for this song in 1874. Many of Robert Lowry’s songs are still sung in churches today – songs like, I Need Thee Every Hour, Nothing But the Blood, Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy, Here is Love, Something for Thee and many more. This arrangement can be played with just the 1st violin part and the piano accompaniment as a solo, or the 2nd…
Christmas Solos for Violin
Here are some recommendations of Christmas solos for violin. All of the Christmas titles listed below come with a printed piano accompaniment. Some of them have downloadable piano tracks to practice or play along. Enjoy some old favorites in new ways this Christmas season. March Level 1B The Nutcracker signals Christmas for many people. And for many students who also take ballet, this is a great opportunity for them to play a piece they hear as they prepare for their part in the Nutcracker. This arrangement is set in the key of D, and the student will need to review moving 2nd finger from low to high. Bow retakes are…
Violin Music for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving might be the most underrated holiday. Growing up we attended a Praise Service Thanksgiving morning. Many churches celebrate the Sunday before with praise, thanksgiving and testimony services. It is appropriate that singing and music is apart of that service. Maybe you have a time of thanksgiving and singing as a family. If you are looking for some string arrangements for any of these occasions here are some options to consider. Advanced Violin Solos for Thanksgiving Praise My Soul the King of Heaven Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Intermediate Violin Solos for Thanksgiving He Leadeth Me Praise To the…
Hymn Settings for 2 Violins
Celebrate with us Horsehair Music’s newest publication, Immortal, Invisible: Hymn Settings for 2 Violins with Piano Accompaniment. This is a new collection of 10 violin duets. If COVID taught us anything, it is that playing music together is a gift to be enjoyed. These duets will be a great addition to any setting. Shop Now Titles include: This Is My Father’s World Be Still My Soul Immortal Invisible God Only Wise Christ Arose (Lo in the Grave) Like A River Glorious Rock of Ages Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah (with Apples in Winter) Hark the Herald Angels Sing The Love of God Sleepers Awake (Wachet Auf) Listen to Full Length…
New Christmas Violin Solo
Here is a new Christmas violin solo that is hot off the press. I have a couple students that are going to start working on it for fun. It’s not hard. The arrangement can be played in first and third position with one big shift at the end going into 5th and 7th position. We have been working really hard on 3 octave major and minor scales this semester so step wise pattern in 5th and 7th, shouldn’t be out of reach for them. (No pun intended.) I wanted the arrangement to be majestic. In thinking about this wonderful text by Charles Wesley, I had in my mind the description…
Easter Music for Violin
Buy Here At The Cross Level: 2 Music: Ralph E. Hudson Arranger: Ruth Coleman Publisher: Lorenz Corporation This arrangement is perfect for a Suzuki Book 2 student, or late beginner. It begins in the key of A and modulates to the key of D. There are low 2 – G naturals. There are natural harmonics used as echos similar to their use in the Boccherini – Minuet. Fingering and bowing are marked in the score. Demo recording is included with purchase of the book along with piano accompaniment track. Buy Here Beneath the Cross of Jesus Level: 4 Words and Music: Keith and Kristyn Getty Arranger: Kristin Campbell Publisher: Heart…
February Sale
See our duets here
Christmas Violin Play-Along Books – Part 2
This is a continuation of the violin Christmas Play-Along Book Reviews. See the titles and in each book. I have given a general level to each book. Each collection will have easier and harder pieces. The leveling is very broad in these Christmas violin play-along books. I have listed the key each piece is in and some of the techniques that are found in that piece. I would recommend all 3 of these books. They are for different levels of playing, but they all work well for their level. Lindsey Stirling Christmas Collection: Violin Play-Along Volume 81 Arrangers: Lindsey StirlingPublisher: Hal LeonardLevel: 6 Pros: Arrangements are taken from Lindsey Stirling’s album Warmer in the…
Winter’s Snow Christmas Violin Duets
Winter’s Snow is a collection of Christmas violin duets that I wrote in 2009. The first two books of arrangements that were published with Soundforth did not have recordings available with them. Some of my students will learn these this fall. I had some extra time this summer and so I decided to record these duets. Since I am a Suzuki teacher and I do a lot of online teaching, having recordings for my students is a high value for me. I saved the recordings in 4 different formats. The first is the violin duet with piano accompaniment. Next there is a recording of each part with the piano accompaniment.…