Violin Fingerboard Flashcards
Are you looking for a floor activity for a young student’s lesson? Or maybe mom needs an in the car activity on the way to violin lesson to get them thinking about violin. These violin fingerboard flashcards might be just what you need. Each card has a picture of the violin fingerboard. A small house is on each place on the fingerboard marking a pitch. The back of the card shows the letter name for that fingerboard house.
Whether the student is reading on the staff or not, these cards help them identify and review fingerboard pitches. Choose the notes your students, and as they add new notes, add in that card to their review stack.
Fingerboard Geography
If you are familiar with Barbara Barber‘s Fingerboard Geography, the first five pages of flashcards are for the red finger patterns. Then page 11 has the cards that show a low 2nd finger. These are the pitches for a blue finger pattern. Next on page 13 you will find the high 3 fingers. This helps violinist learn the pitches that create a yellow finger pattern. On page 15 you will find the fingerboards that are identical to page 13. But the back of the cards have the enharmonic names. Finally, pages 17 and 19 are low 1. Like high 3 these low 1 flashcards have both enharmonic names using sharps or flats.
How to Print the Flashcards
If your printer does not have the duplex option you will need to print the front and back pages separately. Print the odd numbered pages first. These are all the fingerboard pictures. The front side of the card. Then following your printers direction, place the sheets back in the printer. Print the even numbered pages on the back side of the fingerboard graphic. Then using scissors cut along the dotted lines.

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