Primer Level
The Magic of Music Theory Primer level is now available at Amazon.com as well as ingramspark.com! This Primer level is perfect for the student who is age 6-10 who has started reading notes or is ready to begin reading. Incorporating the concepts taught in the pre-reading series. Students review pitch placement for the basic finger pattern for all 4 strings. New for this level is learning A and E string notes on the staff. Basic note values of quarter, half, dotted half and whole notes are reviewed. New for this level, 2 beamed eighth notes are introduced for students to recognize and draw. New in Primer level students will draw quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes on the staff. Learning stem and dot rules.
Primer: Aural skills
Aural skill activities for Primer level include listening for the difference between long and short notes and drawing the pattern they hear. Students will also will identify if the notes they hear step up or down. After learning the tempo terms Allegro and Adagio, students will identify if the pattern they hear is Allegro or Adagio. Students will then identify the dynamic they hear using the correct Italian term.
Extra ear training sheets are included in the back for those who enjoy them or need more practice!
Click on the album cover to download free mp3 tracks, or find the aural skills recordings on YouTube @horsehairmusic.
Primer: Games and Activities
Learn the parts of the violin/viola/cello with clip cards. Students slide a paper clip on the side of the card where 3 terms are listed and a star is pointing a a part of the instrument. The student slides the paper clip so that it encircles the term.
Several coloring pages are included where the student will color by note. A color key lists the pitch with a color. Different parts of the picture are labeled with staff notes.
To make their way through a maze, students must know what string the staff note is on!
Find out more about the Primer Level!

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