Themes from Pirates of the Caribbean
D Minor,
A Major,
D Minor,
Bb Minor,
D Minor,
Time Signature
12/8, 6/8,
Range: A4-D6
Tempo: Moderately Fast in 4
Includes Themes: He’s A Pirate, I Don’t Think Now’s the Time, The Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow, Up Is Down, One Day, He’s a Pirate
Left Hand
- Double stops – 2 fingered fifths
- One downward pitch bend.
- Modulations – 4 key changes; majority of the piece is in D minor.
- 5 measures in Bb Minor – mostly longer notes. No fast rhythmic passages in this key.
- 1 run – d minor scale using 4 sixteenths 1 triplet in 3 beats in 12/8
- Uses 1st and 3rd position – no fingering is marked.
- No bowing printed in part
- Few articulations written in part.
- 3 notes of pizzicato
- Lots of syncopation
- Quarter notes in triple meter – changes from a triple to duple feel within the measure.
*This piece is 7 pages long. The speed, rhythm, and length make this piece a challenge for level 4.
*This arrangement not sold individually only available in the book, Uncharted.
*This arrangement not sold individually only available in the book, Uncharted.
Violin and Piano
![]() | The Piano Guys - Uncharted Piano Solo/Optional Violin Part. By The Piano Guys. Personality. Pop. Softcover. 112 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.199171). |
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