How to Draw Quarter Notes
Here is a worksheet on how to draw quarter notes. It’s perfect for young students. Whether the student is learning to play an instrument or just exploring music, his worksheet is perfect for ages 4-6. My young students are just getting ready to enter kindergarten, so their writing and small muscle skills are still developing. These notes are large and the young student can trace quarter notes. The notes are drawn in dot to dot. Students also learn how to draw quarter note stems going up and down.
First students trace 5 quarter notes with stems going up. Trace the circle. Color in the circle. Trace the stem. Then, they will trace 5 quarter notes with stems going down. After tracing 10 quarter notes, then students will draw 5 quarter notes on their own. Students might find it fun to use different colors of pencils, markers, or crayons to make each quarter note a different color.
Teaching Tip for Clapping Quarter Notes:
Students can clap the row of quarter notes. Clapping 1 time for each note. And have them say “quarter” for each note they see. Parents or practice partners should point so that the students looks at each note while clapping and saying “quarter.” If students aren’t looking, there is a possibility they will clap 2 times on each syllable. Most often if students see 1 note, they will only clap once, even though they are saying a two syllable word.
Be sure and check out the clef coloring pages to introduce young students to music notation symbols.

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