Draw the Clefs
I have created videos on how to draw the clefs, treble clef, alto clef, and bass clef. I made these videos to go along with The Magic of Music Theory series.
Sequence of Learning to Draw the Clefs
PreReading B
In the early books students learn to recognize the 3 different clefs. Clefs are first introduced in PreReading B. The clefs are introduced through a story and each clef is related to an instrument. The treble clef related to the violin, alto clef to viola, and bass clef to cello. Then students color a full page coloring page of each clef. They also are introduced to tracing their clef and learn to draw it step by step.
In Primer level, students review what each clef is called and what it looks like. Then they draw their clef with step by step instruction. Through the rest of the Primer level, students trace their clef on the staff.
Level 1
Level 1 begins with students reviewing what the clefs look like, what they are called. Student then are introduced to drawing all 3 clefs. Throughout the book, that instruments clef is drawn on the staff for the student to trace.
Side note: Why so trace so many clefs? Why not have them draw the clef? I have found throughout the years of teaching theory that students ignore the clef. If they draw it, they draw it incorrectly or sloppily. Since this series is meant to do with parent oversight and minimal teacher interaction. I want to remind the student at every opportunity how to draw their clef. And make sure they aren’t learning bad habits.
Level 2
Level 2 introduces students to the note that each clef identifies and the other name its called. Treble clef is also called G-clef. Alto clef is also called C-clef. Bass Clef is also called F-clef. In this level students are asked to draw their instrument’s clef on the staff on exercises throughout.
Treble Clef
Alto Clef
Bass Clef

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