Clef Coloring Page
Download a clef coloring page for your beginning string students. This is for students who are just being introduced to the staff and clef signs. You can download and print the clef coloring page for each clef from the links below each picture. You can listen to your Suzuki CD or any classical music while coloring. So, turn on your Suzuki CD, break out the crayons and have fun!
Clef Coloring Page
You can also check out other recordings such as, Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, or Peter and the Wolf. Students learn about intonation, musical phrasing, good ensemble playing and harmonic structures. Getting ready for school, picking up toys, reading books, coloring pictures, are all activities that fill kid’s days. Let classical music be the background music to your student’s day! Kids are absorbing and learning more than you think they are. There are pieces I now play in symphony that I remember listening to as a kid on our local classical radio station.

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