holiday,  Level 3,  Level 6,  violin pedagogy

Christmas Violin Play-Along Books – Part 3

Here are 2 more reviews of books in the series Christmas Violin Play-Along Books. These collections are from Hal Leonard. The Play-Along Books are for different levels. You can also read about other Play-Along Books here: Part 1 and Part 2.

Hal Leonard Violin Play-Along: Favorite Christmas Hymns Vol. 77

Arrangers: Peter Deneff
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
Level: 5 or 6 (because of position work)
  1. These arrangements are not just the melody part. Often the player plays through tune 2 or 3 times. But there is variety and variation that gives interest on each stanza.
  2. This would be a good collection for an intermediate player who is comfortable in 3rd position. It does require some 5th, 7th position, but it is very minimal.
  1. There is no printed fingering to direct in shifting.
  2. Only marked bowing technique is legato detaché.

There is a real violin playing the melody on the demonstration tracks. The backing track is synthesizer, but the melody is played by a violin. There are no written piano accompaniments. So this is truly just a play-along book. It is more than just the melody, but really only the left hand technique is challenged. The right hand is all legato detaché.

  1. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing – G Major; First stanza – melody; Second stanza – harmony part; 3rd Stanza – melody in upper octave; 3rd position with a 4th finger extension for E, or you could shift into 4th position; Some ties over the bar line in harmony part; 2 note slurs, hooked bowing;
  2. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear – G Major; Play the melody 2 times through; Violin has melody on the first stanza; first half of the second stanza is a harmony part and the second half is the melody; The harmony part includes notes in 5th position for 3 measures; harmony part uses simple rhythms so the player would be able to focus on the position work;
  3. O Come All Ye Faithful – G Major; First stanza – melody; Second stanza – harmony part; 3rd Stanza – melody in upper octave; 3rd position; 2 note slurs, hooked bowing;
  4. O Come, O Come Emmanuel – E Minor modulating to A Minor; 3 eighth note slurs; first stanza is the melody; second stanza begins with harmony then takes over the melody; 2 measures of 3rd position; because of key signature A minor – low 1 F natural on the E string.
  5. O Holy Night – C Major; 6/8 time signature; mostly in 1st and 3rd position; Some 6th position but optional notes are included an octave lower; first stanza is the melody; second stanza is a harmony part; the harmony part has 3 measures of steady eighth notes with several accidentals – this could be a practice spot depending on the student. 1 run of stepping sixteenth notes that are slurred;
  6. Silent Night – A Major; First stanza – melody; Second stanza – harmony part; 3rd Stanza – weaves in and out of a harmony part and the melody; Uses 1st and 3rd position;
  7. We Three Kings of Orient Are – E Minor; 3/8 time signature; first stanza is in lower octave; second stanza up an octave and then the third stanza the violin plays a harmony part; Harmony can be played all in first position; There is some shifting into third position but it is in the melody part of the second stanza; This is probably my favorite arrangement in the collection. I feel like technical skills used match the arrangement.
  8. What Child Is This? – E minor; First stanza melody part; second stanza harmony using pentatonic scales in lower octave and then repeated up an octave; 3rd stanza melody in upper octave; 1st and 3rd position for the last stanza;
Christmas Violin Play-Along Book Part 3

Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along Christmas Favorites – Violin

Arrangers: Peter Deneff
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Level: 3
  1. Download the mp3 Tracks from a code in the front of the book. (Half of my students don’t own a CD player anymore)
  2. All in 1st position.
  3. No more than 3 notes slurred.
  4. Good keys for violin for the most part (2 in E major that are harder.)

  1. Xylophone melody part on demonstration track.
  2. Rhythms are complex to read for beginners if they don’t already know the tunes.

These arrangements are short and sweet. One time through the melody. If you are wondering what the technique is for left hand – it is whatever the melody dictates; Same with the rhythm. For a student who is looking to play the tune for any of these songs with no frills this is a great collection. This is a level 3 book, as player does need to be comfortable playing all of the pitches in 1st position.

Play-Along Titles:
  1. Blue Christmas – E Major; All in first position; 1 accidental E# in a 3 note chromatic scale; key signature is hardest part;
  2. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) – G Major; All in first position; Lots of accidentals in the bridge (follows the melody);
  3. Christmas Time is Here – F Major; Can be played all in first position; section that has A-flats that might be a great spot to play in 3rd position if the player is learning 3rd position;
  4. Felix Navidad – G Major modulates to A Major for 10 measures; does include 1st and 2nd ending, along with a D.S. al Coda; syncopation; need good rhythm reading if you you don’t know the tune; ties over the bar line; short chromatic phrases;
  5. Happy Christmas (War is Over) – A Major; 12/8 time signature; first position;
  6. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – C Major; Includes first and second endings;
  7. Here Comes Santa Clause (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) – E Major; Key signature demands high 3s throughout; 3 quarters in time of 2 quarters; Uses swing rhythm
  8. (There’s No Place Like) Home for the Holidays – A Major; Includes 1st and 2nd endings; First position;
  9. It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas – G Major; Swing rhythm; Triplets sprinkled throughout; includes a D.S. al Coda; short phrase of chromatics;
  10. Mele Kalikimaka – C Major; Syncopation; melody includes some chromatics with fingers moving by half-step; Includes first and second ending.
  11. Merry Christmas, Darling – C Major; includes a D.S. al Coda; accidentals using low 1; 
  12. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree – C Major; swing; hooked up-bows marked only with up-bow symbol (11 times); High 3 G#; some off-beat accents;
  13. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer – A Major; Swing rhythm; hooked up bows marked with just up-bow symbol; syncopated includes 1st and second ending;
  14. Silver and Gold – F Major; key signature demands low 1’s; does include a D.S. al Coda.