Christmas Solos for Violin
Here are some recommendations of Christmas solos for violin. All of the Christmas titles listed below come with a printed piano accompaniment. Some of them have downloadable piano tracks to practice or play along. Enjoy some old favorites in new ways this Christmas season.
The Nutcracker signals Christmas for many people. And for many students who also take ballet, this is a great opportunity for them to play a piece they hear as they prepare for their part in the Nutcracker. This arrangement is set in the key of D, and the student will need to review moving 2nd finger from low to high. Bow retakes are marked in. The dotted eighth sixteenth rhythm is marked with separate bows to ease learning and playing the rhythm. Let your students enjoy this little jewel from the Nutcracker this season.

Carol of the Bells
Here is an arrangement of Carol of the Bells, Ukranian Bell Carol, for easy violin. Set for a level 2 player. The melody line has been slightly adapted to avoid playing F-natural or low 1. This allows students who are in Suzuki Book 1 or early Book 2 who have not learned how to play a low 1 to be able to play this piece. For tips on how to teach this piece see this blog post. With repeated sections students can learn this easily. This setting is all in first position, with minimal 2 note slurs. This is sure to be a favorite with your beginning violinists this year!
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
While the title says Our Great Savior, the Advent hymn Come Thou Long Expected Jesus is often sung to this tune, HYFRYDOL. This setting is all in first position and bow distribution will be key for the 3 quarter note slurs. Students will also review low 1 – F natural on the E string as this is set in the key of C Major. This is a great arrangement to learn and play both for Christmas time as well as any time of year with the traditional text – Our Great Savior.

Joy to the World
- Level 3
This setting combines Joy to the World with Vivaldi’s Gloria. Violinists are sure to enjoy this lively and energetic setting of the Christmas carol, Joy to the World. This arrangement is uses 1st and 3rd position for the violin. This would be a level 3 or 4. The excerpts from Vivaldi’s Gloria are taken directly from the first violin part and the vocal parts. This means your students will be learning Vivaldi’s original 1st violin part!
This is the solo version of the The Flex Orchestra Series arrangement Joy to the World with Vivaldi’s Gloria can also be played as a duet, trio or quartet.
What Child Is This
This arrangement is from the collection Hallelujah What a Savior.This is a level 4 piece for the intermediate player. There is some shifting into 3rd position. The highest pitch is E6 and can be played as an extended 4 harmonic or you could shift into 4th or 5th position for measures. It begins in A minor and modulates to D minor. Right hand has legato detaché throughout.

Silent Night
This beautiful arrangement from James Koerts is set in the key of B-flat. This gentle flowing arrangement will be a favorite for your intermediate player.
Joy Has Dawned
Looking for a violin solo for Christmas? Here is a violin solo with piano accompaniment that is both upbeat and lively. The opening has the piano playing soft clanging chords to imitate distant bells while the violin has the opening melody. The arrangement then moves the theme into a rhythmically and joyfully syncopated pattern for the piano and violin to pass back and forth. The final stanza brings the melody with chords and double stops. This is a level 5 piece because of the left hand double stops.
All Is Well
- Level 6
This violin solo with piano accompaniment is arranged for the late intermediate player. It has 3rd position and some 5th position passages making it a level 6. The ending finishes on a high B, but optional 8va notes are included for the violin. Perfect for a Christmas candlelight service, wedding or recital.
O Holy Night
Here is a late intermediate to early advanced violin solo of the Christmas favorite O Holy Night. The arpeggiated chords at the end challenge the player both in the right hand bow technique and left hand quad-stop chords. Players can choose to use flying staccato at the end or to play the arpeggiated chords legato. Position work into 5th position is used and good legato bow control is needed for the lyrical opening. (This is found in the collection The Everlasting Song published by Lorenz. Lorenz has made the each arrangement from this collection available as a digital download at their website.

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