Fall 2024 Practice Calendars
I’ve been using practice calendars in my studio this last year. I’ve really liked how these practice calendars have helped both students and parents. It’s given me a way to know how much practice is happening at home during the week. Rather than the conversation that goes something like this…. Me: “Did you practice this week?”Student: “Hmmm, yeah” Me: “How many days were you able to practice?”Student: “Umm.. well Monday I had soccer. And then Tuesday my brother had a swim meet. ummmm Wednesday we were really busy. I practiced on Thursday.” Me: “What about Friday, Saturday and Sunday? Were you able to get some practice in on the weekend?”Student:…
April Practice Chart
With Student Day and Solo Celebration for the Okaloosa County Music Teachers Association is this month, my students are highly motivated to practice and they may not need this April Practice Chart. But, the monthly practice chart is giving them the visual reminder of practicing. I also am really loving these practice charts as they are giving me insight into the amount of practicing. In The theme for this month’s blocks is based on the rhyme, “April showers bring May flowers.” So download and print the practice chart and get to practicing so you can color an umbrella! April Practice Chart Download Here
March Practice Chart
My students have finished their February Happy Heart Practice Charts and we are marching into practice with this March Practice Chart. What has been helpful about these practice charts is that I actually see how much my students are practicing. No amount of creative teaching ideas can replace daily practice. I fall into the trap of not inspecting what I expect, or not communicating my expectations clearly. So, this teaching aid has helped me see what is happening outside the lesson. Why Practice? A couple weeks back I had a student who was really frustrated because he couldn’t play his music. He kept complaining that this song was too hard…